What are the beads made of?

The beads and trinkets are made of any combination of glass, plastic, ceramic, wood, metal, and/or natural stones

Are pick pads suitable for all ages?

No. The beads and trinkets in pick pads are choking hazards. Please keep pick pads (and the small items inside) away from young children and pets.

Is the silicone reusable when the pad is empty?

No, the silicone is not able to be reused or melted.

Is the silicone pad recyclable?

Not at transfer stations around Maine. It can go in the trash; silicone can be incinerated safely without creating toxic fumes. If you prefer, you can bring the empty pads back to me, and I'll send it with others to a silicone recycling center in California. 

What do I do with the beads when they're all out?

String them and make a bracelet, necklace, or earrings. Embellish jeans or a tote bag with a bead design. Or display them-- beads are so pretty when the light hits just right!

Do you have an online shop?

Not yet. In the meantime, you can find me at local markets (see my Events page).